Best Building Company

The building company “bestbuildergroup” isan innovative-creative team in the field of construction and repair. Thecompany “Best Building” was established on March 24, 202The company unites agroup of people who have been working in different regions of Georgia for thelast 10-12 years and have been directly involved in construction-repair anddesign works. The company has experienced employees in construction, aswell as in administrative chain. “Best Building” unites the subcontractors, witha total of 154 employees at this stage. The company is focused on quality andtime, and also pays great attention to the security department. The main goalof “bestbuildergroup” is to take the leading place in the field House construction  .

How do we work:

At the initialstage, we agree with the client on the work to be performed, as well as on theperiod, then an estimateis made, which gives thedetailed description of the volume of work to beperformed, the price of labor andmaterials. We discuss the estimate withclient in details and start the repair work only after this. Theconstant control is carried out by the project manager during the repair worksto ensure high quality. 

Inorder to satisfy the client, the project manager also assists the client in theselection of quality materials (such as wall and floor tiles, wallpaper, etc.),which guarantees the effectiveness of the ultimate result.


Formaximum quality, the constant supervision of a competent project manager withexperienced craftsmen in the repair process is required. It is recommended toselect high quality building materials, which has a great impact on the ultimate result. Forthis purpose, we use quite well-known and quality brands, such as: Knauf gypsumboard, Heidelberg cement,Firat and Fondital piping. With combination of a competent project manager,quality materials and experienced craftsmen, we create high quality.


Priorto the commencement of the repair work, the agreement isdrawn up detailing the duration of the work, the work to be performed and theprices of the work to be performed. The amount ofmoney agreed with us does not increase during therenovation process.


Paymentis made in stages, on a contractual basis (by bank transfer or bank guarantee). The customer pays 20% of thetotal cost of the repair works no later than the 3rd day after the start of theworks and each subsequent payment (in the amount of 20%) is made after thecompletion of certain works. The last 15% of the total cost is paid by the clientafter completion of the repair works in full.

Our mission:

1. Make our contribution to the development of the city

2.  Become uncompetitivein this field

3. Tomake the process of construction and renovation pleasant for you

4. To become the exemplary for competingcompanies.